cycle infrastructure

8 radical ways to protect cyclists

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8 radical ways to protect cyclists

The BBC have posted an article proposing 8 different ways of protecting people on bikes.

Interestingly, instead of simply copying the exemplary Dutch solution, they suggest wacky and impractical things like ‘elevated cycle routes’ and ‘body armour’ for cyclists.

How about strict liability laws and a better network of segregated cycle paths? Come on guys, they’ve shown us how it works on the Continent, it’s about time we stopped farting about with pie-in-the-sky ideas and got our act together.

The bike is king of the road in The Netherlands
The bike is king of the road in The Netherlands

Upgrade London’s CS2 to Continental Standards – call to arms

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Upgrade London’s CS2 to Continental Standards – call to arms

Five cyclists have died in the last nine days on the streets of London.

People are justified in their anger that cycling infrastructure is too sporadic to offer any effective protection. Please help by sending a message to London’s mayor to let him know how you feel.

Coverage from the BBC paints a fuller picture

Deepest sympathies to anyone who has lost a friend or relative on the roads.
Deepest sympathies to anyone who has lost a friend or relative on the roads.